
Founded in 1987, Community At Work is a consulting firm, a think tank, and a provider of world-class training. We specialize in participatory approaches to system change. Our clients usually need help solving complex problems that cannot be solved by traditional hierarchical structures.
Studying and teaching new ways of thinking, to help groups solve the world’s toughest problems.
The philosophy, strategies and skills of effective collaboration are widely valued, taught and practiced all over the world.
Supporting groups to do their best thinking is not only a strategy for enabling any given group to achieve its specific goals. It is also our theory of change for making our vision come true.
Skillful cross-sector collaboration is a mandatory competence for addressing the profound challenges we all face — global, regional and local — in the 21st century. By supporting each group we work with to do their best thinking, we are encouraging and teaching our clients (and their networks of colleagues) how to adopt participatory values and practices. We deeply believe that as more people become competent in solving problems and making decisions in groups, they become motivated to apply those skills in more settings and for higher stakes.